Tackling the global plastic crisis

The ever increasing plastic production, and the plastic waste that follows, impose a fundamental threat to our planet and the humankind. Read about the problem that Sulapac is set to solve.

4x times more plastic – more burden for environment

Plastics are now the growth driver for the petrochemical industry, contributing to the overall rise of oil consumption.

About 460 million tonnes of plastic is being produced every year which all too often ends up in the wrong place. And once plastic has ended up in nature it remains there forever – accumulating and having an impact on every ecosystem. The oil-based plastic production is estimated to grow four times bigger during the next 30 years, this significantly affects the CO2 burden of our planet, which will have hazardous effect on the biodiversity.

Plastic waste – we can’t recycle our way out of this

Replacing conventional plastics with safer material innovations should be priority.

Reducing, reusing and recycling are still key methods for circularity and saving the natural resources. But why the oil-based plastic production is still increasing although the utilization of recycled plastics is favored? This is because plastics can be mechanically recycled only once and virgin plastic is always needed with the new products. So what happens then to the plastic waste? Unfortunately, most of it ends up in the nature or it is burned. Even in the most optimistic scenarios only 37% of plastic packaging will be recycled by 2050. Luckily there are new material options available that may also utilize recycled content.

Microplastics - an emerging challenge for the planet and humans

Our oceans are filling up with plastic that degrades into smaller and smaller pieces of microplastics, eventually ending up in our bodies.

If we zoom in the microscopic level of the plastic waste problem, we notice that it gets even worse. There is no efficient way to clean microplastics that just keep accumulating. These tiny particles are already in the oceans, among pollen carried by bees, and our lungs. Currently, we ingest 5 grams of plastic a week, the equivalent of a credit card. There are already various studies that have linked microplastics to human autoimmune diseases and cancer, not to mention the effects on the early stages of the food chain. The damage on biodiversity is evident.

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Design principles for Sulapac materials

All Sulapac materials have been designed like nature; to mimic its beauty, usability and circularity. We never compromise on aesthetics or functionality. High quality is essential for our commercial success and large-scale impact without need to invest on new factories when manufacturing products.

Sustainability is always at the centre of everything we do, from reliably, sustainably sourcing raw materials to making sure that our materials leave no permanent microplastics or toxic substances behind at the end of life.

Strong foundation for being truly sustainable

Every success story needs a strong foundation and a North Star to follow. These guide our journey.


Together saving the world from plastic waste.


The new standard for sustainable materials replacing plastics.


Holding creativity, sustainability and integrity in high regard.


Think outside the box. At Sulapac, everyone is encouraged to think big. We challenge ourselves to constantly come up with new ideas and innovations. We dare take risks, we try and we learn. The purpose of our social policy is to nurture our employees’ wellbeing to allow creativity to thrive.


Respect nature. We are devoted to respecting nature and saving the world from plastic waste. We do not compromise on sustainability, and this principle is applied throughout our entire value chain. Sulapac is made of sustainably sourced raw materials and biodegrades fully without leaving permanent microplastics behind. These elements are the basis of our sustainability policy.


Keep your word. At Sulapac, we are fully committed to the things we set out to do. We create high quality products and are worthy of the trust of our partners and customers day in and day out. Integrity translates to our ethically responsible behavior.

Scientific background

Deep dive into our material features and learn about the scientific criteria and validation behind our statements.

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Global impact created by our customers

Together we are stronger. Together we go further. Together with our brave customers and partners we can save the world from plastic waste.

Sulapac Sustainability Commitment

Our claims and scientific data are openly available for anyone to see online, and so is our Sustainability Policy. Take a look.


Contact us

Replace conventional plastic with the beautiful, functional and sustainable Sulapac material. We will help you to make the switch smoothly.

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